*Last week, on top of Doppleganger Mountain...* Oh, wise Doppleganger Orb, please tell me of a celebrity that looks like the mission commander in Tatio's TIGER SHARK. Gaze inside, yes, take a peek/ For I have found the man you seek.
I don't think that's correct. That character is a woman who looks nothing like Ted Danson. Close your eyes, and open your heart/ Then you will see my judgement is smart. When you put it that way, they DO look alike! Let's write a webpage together! *The Doppleganger Orb glows silently in agreement*
Bono / Otacon from Metal Gear Solid 4
David Bowie / Otacon I also noticed that Otacon looks quite like David Bowie, too. I was quite sad to see that one of my most disliked game characters looks like my favorite musician. As a matter of fact, I openly wept for an hour after this discovery. Anyway, their resemblance appears much stronger when the pictures are blown up some. Click here for a larger comparison. Bowie's eyes both seem to be the same color in this photograph, oddly enough.
Bono / Solid Snake
Bjork from her Medulla album cover / Troll enemy from Final Fantasy
Andy Warhol / Soma Cruz from Castlevania: AOS & DOS "You there, give me the Warhol cut..." "Hahaha, okay dipshit!" The stylist would interrupt, incredulously. "... Except I want you to make it look 75% more like a helmet!" "MOTHER FUCK!"
David Bowie / Leon S. Kennedy from Resident Evil 4 This is just the first of many David Bowie look-alikes I managed to dig up. Although Leon doesn't look like that much like David Bowie 100% of the time, there are several moments in the game where there is a pretty close resemblance.
Macaulay Culkin / Leon Leon also looks vaguely like Macaulay Culkin. I thought it was a coincidence, until I got to the final boss and had to beat him by strategically placing a stray tarantula on his face.
Emilio Estevez / Leon Leon should be so lucky to look like a stud like Emilio.
David Bowie / Locke from Final Fantasy VI While they don't necessarily look alike, they are both striking very similar man-slut poses. I bet they're going to get together one day and write a song called "Freak Me N.A.S.T.Y (Yeah Do It Like That)".
David Hyde Pierce / Locke And while the search for a picture of David Hyde Pierce in a man-slut pose proved fruitless, he actually does look a good deal like Locke. Speaking of Final Fantasy VI...
Dustin "Screech" Diamond / Kefka
David Bowie / Ocelot from Metal Gear Solid 3 I actually think this one is intentional; Ocelot's fruity mannerisms are quite Bowie-esque, and the game already has one other really obvious David Bowie reference.
David Bowie / Kain from Final Fantasy IV
John Goodman / Barry Burton from Resident Evil (GC)
Barry also looks quite significantly like Christopher Meloni of the best Law & Order series of them all, Special Victims Unit.
I'll post more switched at birth entries if and when I notice them. Thanks but no thanks to any submissions, I'd rather keep this page to things I find personally, and some of my own entries are probably dodgy as is. Special thanks go out to Flying Omelette, as I probably never would have thought to do this section if she hadn't done it first on her site. |