Punk Street is the hottest new punk band to hit the St. Paul music alleyway. Known widely for the fact almost all of their songs are about something selling out, their music conveys a raw emotion not seen since the days of Journey.

What does this have to do with video games? Their song Molotov Natsume is a departure from their album Total Disorder, which was twelve songs of barely coherent anti-Marmaduke rants and violent threats to artist Brad Anderson, including the memorable "Blow up Brad Anderson's Car." Here's Molotov Natsume for you.
Molotov Natsume
Everyday game companies make shiny new games
Like Metal Gear and Final Fantasy that’s so lame
Marching down those city streets with tidy hair
Spreading conformity with their sell out wares
One company takes a stand against them all
Natsume like a tree it stands tall
I saw a straight edge playing Army Men
Drinking chocolate milk instead of gin
I said he should be playing some Harvest Moon
He hit me in the face with a copy of Sqoon
I said “Hey man Sqoon ruled” and slugged him in the face
He ran of crying like some big disgrace
Maybe at Funco for his next gaming fling
He’ll pick up Legend of The River King
I was at home playing Reel Fishing II
It’s the punk of games, let me tell you
My dad came in and said “Son, Play Tomb Raider.”
I took a swig of a colt 45 and threw a molotov at him
He ran of squealing like a guinea pig
Fuck yeah man REEL FISHING II
A police man came up to me when I was loitering
He said, “Hello today, fine citizen”
I said “Pig! Don’t judge me because of my mohawk!”
I sprayed mace at him!
A whole can of mace!
It was empty!
Natsume would be proud!
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