Welcome to Choco Cat's Big Brother 2 Will Kirby Ultimate Fan Page 2001
Hey boyze and goyls! Welcome to my Will Kirby fan page. Will is the greatest man who ever lived. If chicken man George from Big brother 1 ever met Will his eyes would explode and then he'd be like "BAWK BAWK chicken man's got no eyes"
Let's learn about Will!

Nicole is awful

Will Stories and Poems

Hey you 3 what's up?

We are the Will Kirby anchormen

Lets go to report Will Kirby news


News bulliten news bulliten this just in:

Will is amazing!

Now hurry to the Zepplin!
We are now in the will kirby 420 news zepplin

Let's pray to jesus he doesn't get evicted tomorrow.

Yes but even so losing bunky is bad too

Hardy is awful for nominating them.

BAWK BAWK it's me chicken man George!

Ah an insider