LOL yah a guest book star LOL NEwayze hear me and tha KILLDOZA crew will rpyl 2 ur gestbook singingz so you can stop callin up an bein like KILLDOZA REPLY TO WAHT WE SAY and im like can it im watching big brother letz take a momenz to meet tha esteamed guest book replierz Driver's Ed: hay man do you like outdoor concerts man? Emilio Estevez: GOOD TO BE HEAR KILLDOZER Charlie Sheen: YES ITS A DELIGHT AS ALWAYS Kitten: mew mew hay fukkaz lets get to replying Gary Oldman: always a pleasure killdozer WS Charles: BUY SELL BUY SELL Rob Lowe: anything for you killdozer gr8 now lets get busy ___ cameron Monday, 5/7/01, 4:48 PM i have a small penis!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ___ mew mew keep cool in summa 2k1 cameron beitler ___ Aussie2B Sunday, 5/6/01, 2:09 AM LOL, the kitten rules! He's such a pimp, struting and all. Oh, and the site's pretty good too. ;P From: WA E-mail: WHO LET THA BONGZ OUT? LOL ;): Chevy Chase ___ mew mew thank u 4 being a fan lets go 4 a pabst later KITTEN AREN'T YOU UPSET ABOUT BEING MISTAKEN FOR A BOY? mew mew no ive been going for the butch look ___ cameron Friday, 5/4/01, 2:42 PM Please kill me!!!!!I have the smallest Penis!!! p.s. i LOVE YOU P.S. I have a small penis p.s. kill me p.s. I HAVE A SMALL PENIS LOVE CAMERON(: ___ I WOULD INVEST IN THIS BEING VERY FUNNY IF YOU ADDED A COMMENT ABOUT PURPLE CRACK MONKIES ___ marcos Tuesday, 5/1/01, 8:46 PM This is tha dizopest thing i have ever seen!your flesh on a hook my eyes on a book reading your soul into pain, isn't it funny a headless bunny immortilized in my picture frame , my slave lets run to the dark house of fun in wich you will die in eternal flame. The End From: are you getting fresh with me? Web Site: just got to it its a good site E-mail: WHO LET THA BONGZ OUT? LOL ;): but enough talk have at you!! ___ WELL MET MY SON. IT'S BEEN A LONG TIME ___ ???????????????? Tuesday, 5/1/01, 2:44 PM i love you chris!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I want to make love to you!!!!!!!! you are hot!!!!!!! ___ ONLe if ur gary oldman sorry its not me THAN no dice ___ cameron Tuesday, 5/1/01, 2:39 PM I HAVE A SMALL PENIS WHO LET THA BONGZ OUT? LOL ;): ? ___ GO HOME AND BE A FAMILY MAN ___ LIAM SHRAMKO Tuesday, 5/1/01, 2:38 PM great website From: pennsylvania WHO LET THA BONGZ OUT? LOL ;): ? ___ MY LAST NAME IS MASTERS. THAT SHOULD'VE BEEN YOUR FIRST CLUE. HAY YOUR LAST NAME IS SHEEN NOT MASTERS AND EVEN THATZ A LIE SHUT UP EMILIO EVEN GROWN UPS LIKE TO PRETEND ___ cameron b. Friday, 4/27/01, 5:55 PM if U came 2 my hows and killed me i wood thank you exept i wood be ded LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! From: r u ready WHO LET THA BONGZ OUT? LOL ;): plez kill me ___ IS THIS REALLY WHAT I WANTED? ___ Morgan Thursday, 4/26/01, 2:09 PM I'm Morgan. Sam, would you please be my friend? From: Morgan Web Site: Morgan E-mail: Morgan WHO LET THA BONGZ OUT? LOL ;): Morgan ____ mew mew no way dude lol ___ sammy Monday, 4/23/01, 7:48 AM this page was more fun that the time i jerked it in the bathroom during my bible study... JIZZED all over the biblE...FREEDOM DWT(DUDES WITH 'TUDES) 4 LYFE From: DWT Web Site: klozedkapption WHO LET THA BONGZ OUT? LOL ;): DWT ___ dwt tha rap group not tha videogame you fukkaz DWT tha best ted neugent cover band in tha northwest ___ Lucy Erin Marie Taxog Stark Thursday, 4/19/01, 9:09 AM Let's get down to buisness, to defeat the Huns. Did they send me daughters when I asked for sons? You're the saddest bunch I've ever met, but you can bet before we're through - mister I'll make a man out of you. I love you forever Chris. I love you forever tentacruel. I love you forever Jon Thurn. I love you forever Adrian Pasazx. From: KIng Crab Web Site: I am in love. E-mail: WITH CRAX WHO LET THA BONGZ OUT? LOL ;): Jon Lubke ___ tranquil as a forest, but on fire within, once you find your center, you are sure to win. ___ CHRISS Thursday, 4/19/01, 8:42 AM U STOL MY WEBSITE IDEA U BASTERD. HOW DO YOU KNOW LEO HES MY TEACHER MYN. SO WHOS DA BICH IM DA BITCH. WHY CANT WE ALL GET ABONG. From: I LIV IN A DUMSTER Web Site: KILLDOZER WHO LET THA BONGZ OUT? LOL ;): TED DID ___ no zone man stay out of the no zone man ___ NOT MARCOS Thursday, 4/19/01, 8:27 AM WOW U SUX ALOT, BUTT NOT AS MUCH AS CAMRUN LOL. WOW IF I WAS YOU I WOUDNT BE. SINCERLY NOT MARCOS(OR JESUS) From: NOT MARCOS'S HOUSE E-mail: NOT MARCOS'S EMAIL WHO LET THA BONGZ OUT? LOL ;): NOT MARCOS ___ hay man i was so drunk this one time man women have no place behind the wheel ___ adrian GoRder Thursday, 4/19/01, 8:27 AM hey I'm righty next to you! From: shots paul bitch E-mail: Manestream@ WHO LET THA BONGZ OUT? LOL ;): Rob low and Howie mandel!!? ___ Hhowie mandle AWsom bobbys world was tha shiznit ___ NOT MARCOS Thursday, 4/19/01, 8:27 AM WOW U SUX ALOT, BUTT NOT AS MUCH AS CAMRUN LOL. WOW IF I WAS YOU I WOUDNT BE. From: NOT MARCOS'S HOUSE E-mail: NOT MARCOS'S EMAIL WHO LET THA BONGZ OUT? LOL ;): NOT MARCOS ___ give cameron a chance to brighten your day, for its not often you meet someone who like the golden girls as much as he ___ Aaron Tuesday, 4/17/01, 2:42 PM KIlldozer you are truely a king among men...King Among men. I wish i were you so bad. You Are soo hiiiegh above me, like cleopatra, jon of ark, Afrodite. I luv u chris From: Open school foot ball rulz ___ THIS REMINDS ME OF THE TIME I WAS AT MY FATHERS HOUSE AND I DESTROYED HIS MICKEY MANTLE BASEBALL BAT AND HE CAME BACK AND IM LIKE SORRY DAD AND HES WAS ALL LIKE CHARLIE CLEAN UP YOUR ACT ___ Mr.T Tuesday, 4/17/01, 9:37 AM i chalinge da fo From: chicizgo WHO LET THA BONGZ OUT? LOL ;): Mr.T ___ wear all a part of a RHYTHEM NATION ___ Guz Tuesday, 4/17/01, 9:34 AM this site iz more offensive zen a 2-foot tall drunken midget emminem (but it RULZ enyway lol)jud nelson iz a kool d00d put him in yer celebrity co- hoztz!!!! 4:20 4:20 4:20 4:20 4:20 3:20? From: i liv in yer basement E-mail: sorrry d00ds WHO LET THA BONGZ OUT? LOL ;): PORNO FLIXXX ___ WHAT MY NAME IS HUH MY HAME IS WHO MAY NAME IZ TIKA TIKA SHADY TIME LEMONADE ___ FoolDozer Tuesday, 4/17/01, 9:24 AM wow iz diyd and gon 2 heven dis iz da bezt site eva. If i were u id wish i waz some1 else so i cud see how gr8 i waz. Ur a far superior being, ur a god you shud clone ur self so you could be beter zen evary one inclueding ur self. iz it tru grlz r all over you lik dogz at a fire hidrent. I luv u so much peep this u shouled beet up dat Kionu (NEO) Orevs kid whoz alwayz saying hez beta then u, and steeling kindgardenrz lunch $(what a jerkass) Luv Fooldozer P.S.LOL(long o8ing luv) From: ur mas hous Web Site: I want u 2 Die WHO LET THA BONGZ OUT? LOL ;): Open school fotbal rulz ___ IF I WERE AT THE STOCK MARKET, I WOULD SELL SELL SELL THIS ENTRY ___ CAMERON B. Tuesday, 4/17/01, 9:11 AM this site is worth more than my life!!!!!! and for that i hate you!!! luv cameron B. From: right here U foo WHO LET THA BONGZ OUT? LOL ;): keep it reel! i did ___ please end my eternal sorrow with me, cameron beitler ___ BJ Strykes Sunday, 4/15/01, 4:04 PM ROTFLMAO, Hobbes!!! This is the best site, ever!! =) ~BJ From: California E-mail: WHO LET THA BONGZ OUT? LOL ;): Chubby Cherub ___ i beg 2 differ the diagnosis murder syte si tops ___ James FP Sunday, 4/15/01, 10:03 AM HAHAHAHA!! This is the funniest site I've ever seen on the entire internet, Hobbes! I really wish I could do something this hilarious! I think I am going to revive my Geocities site, but it's not gonna be for "Rate the Game", anymore, although I'll keep what I have of that section. ~James FP~ From: Chicago, Illinois Web Site: Title Pending E-mail: WHO LET THA BONGZ OUT? LOL ;): H&R Puff 'n Stuff ___ hay changge it 2 rate the bitch an ur in bizniz LOL JK NEwayze H&R Puff 'n Stuff killed my father don even joke about him ___ Flying Omelette Saturday, 4/14/01, 8:19 AM LOL! This is the funniest site I've ever seen on the whole internet!! The next time I make a site update, I'm gonna link it! ~FO From: New Jersey Web Site: Flying Omelette's Kitchen E-mail: WHO LET THA BONGZ OUT? LOL ;): Dynamite Headdy ___ LOL one time I wuz playin dynamite headdy an my bro came in and wuz like what iz thiz and I wuz like damnit i hate u get out of mey life and than he drank pabst and stabbed me in tha thigh BACK TO MAIN PAGE |
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