BRIDGET JONEZ'Z DIRAY Hey slutz wots up besides the dow jones lol jk so NEway me and rob lowe just got bak from the 12:30 am showing of BRIDGET JONEZ'Z DIRAY which we snuck into this iz the story of how we snukc in: ME: HEY MOVEI CLERK UR GRANDMA JUST BROKE HER HIP U BETTER COME HELP HER!!!!!!!!!!!!! MOVIE CLERK: oh god no grandma im coming ROB: great going killdozer now lets sneak in ME: novel idea rob i just wnated to fak out tha movie clerk but a goodida is a good idea so than rob an i were like ok whihc move cuz they wuz showing SOMEONE LIKE YOU too and that moviez dope cuz it has wolverine but than we decided on BRIDGET JONEZ'Z DRIAY cuz rene zelevewger is stacked like buttremilk panakes LOL so NEwayz that wuz the movei we saw hay rb wutz ur favorit part? i thought it was cool when the tank was heading for the cyborg, and then the cyborg used his power punch and the tank exploded into a million beautiful pieces tht wuz prettey dope i alzo liked the secen whentha commando wuz hanginhg from tha helicopter and than the storngman gout out on tha thelicoptor and than they started to punch echother and than the commando punched the storng man in tha throt and than he tore tha throt out and than he jumped off tha helicopter and threw stong mans throt at tha helicopter and than tha helicopter exploded. that was so cool i thought my throat was going to explode and sometimes i wish it would the best schene by far tho wuz when tha killer robot want haywair and than commando stabbed it in tha hart with his power knife and than tha robot wuz like COMPUTE COMPUTE and than it wuz going to expoloede and than tha commando jumped out tha window of tha buliding and it exploded and than the commando was like "next time you have a party, we will play statego instead." and it wuz hilarious i thought the best scene was when the commando tore down a skyscraper with his barefists. HOLD up rob lowe that wuzn't tha movie that was dustin diamond aka samuel "srceech" power's last yacht party lol yah i didn't know he had it in him lol awsom rob NEwayz BRIDGET JONEZ'Z DRIARY wuz a dope movie even bettar than SNIPER starring tom beringer BACK TO MOVIES BACK TO MAIN PAGE |
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