BAD DUDES *at tha TJ MAX* wow thease stretch pantz will be the purfect father'z day prezentz in tha hizzizzidy houze clerk: will you be paying with cash check or crdidt card? ill B payin wit INJUSTICE get back here my manager will kill me plez if i lose this job my wife will leave me and our children will starve in their little tummies = ( GOOD! *in thea parking lot* ah anoher day of shopin well done WAIT whoze thet i see comin out of tha FUNCO LAND OH CRP ITZ EMAILIO I HOW DOEZ MY HAIR LOOK OH CRP HEZ COMING OVER HERE KEEP COOL KEEP COOL HEY KILLDOZER ITZ ME EMILIO I GOT A DOPE NEW GAME AT FUNCO LAND iz it DANCE DANCE REVOLUTION LOL I WISH NO ITZ BAD DUDEZ BAD DUDEZ wit a title lik that it muzt be tha shiznizitybiznit letz go bac to mah caverounous manson and play it YAH WEL TAKE MY VAN *in tha car* HEY KILLDOZER what DO YOU BELEVE IN GHOSTS yes i do WOW *at killdoza'z krib not to be confuzed with tha playboye manson LOL jk ;) * WOW THIS IS AWESOM SO FAR AND ALL WE DID WAS SELECT R CHARACTER letz hope more raw couragae iz in store GAME: THE PRESIDENT HAS BEEN KIDNAPPED BY NINJAS ARE YOU A BAD ENOUGH DUDE TO RESCUE THE PRESIDENT? YOWZA itz like dolph lundgren pulld R puny american necx in2 hiz latest hit movey LETZ CONTINUE TO PLAY I HAVE A FEELING THERE ARE GONNA BE A LOT OF TRUCKS IN THIS GAME LOL more than a feeling lol DAMIN tha mitey ninjaz have over powerd me LOL IF ONLY DOLPH LUNDGREN WERE HEAR DID SOMEBODY CALL FOR ME?? BOTH: DOLPH???! oh crap itz only leo I WAS BORN IN SPAIN, JUST LIKE DOLPH! HE WAS BORN IN SWEDEN U FOOL anothr good time runed by tha prezence of leo bickelhapt |