Video Game Fanart is pretty much one of the most ridiculous things on this planet. In what other genre would you see a character who is officially represented as a mute, green elf transformed into a tuxedo wearing idiot who's constantly brandishing a single red rose for his beloved Princess (Or in the event of a man-on-man crossover, Sephiroth)? You'll find none of that bullshit here.
If you instead want to see the forementioned character portrayed as a lovable piece of human garbage whose diet probably soley consists of Mello Yello and Slim Jims, you're in the right place. All previous conceptions of your favorite gaming characters will stand true no longer as you witness Golbez palming off to dodgy TV sci-fi, Solid Snake getting emotional over the world's worst pizza, and an Octorok frenching with a truck. On top of all that, it's all usually drawn in 2 minutes in MSPaint. Such is the nature of truly great video game fanart. Continue onward and enjoy.
Super Castlevania IV: Later Bro By Keegan McClenahen (9/30/07) Zelda II: The Adventure of Link: A New Quest Begins (3/29/07) Zelda II: The Adventure of Link: Everybody Hurts (3/29/07)